Frustrated with Stubborn Fat? Try CoolSculpting!

Frustrated with Stubborn Fat? Try CoolSculpting!

Trying to reach your body goals can be frustrating. Certain areas of the body seem to cling to fat no matter how much you exercise and diet. Luckily, we now have the revolutionary treatment known as CoolSculpting®. This amazingly effective treatment for targeting stubborn fat is completely non-surgical. It may be just the thing you have been waiting for to sculpt the body of your dreams!

How Fat Freezing with CoolSculpting® Works

Fat cells are relatively delicate things. It turns out they cannot survive at certain temperatures. Fat freezing destroys fat cells by lowering their temperature until they crystallize and die. The surrounding tissue is completely unaffected. While you may feel an intense cold for a few minutes, this quickly fades, making CoolSculpting® a very comfortable treatment to have done.

Crystallized fat cells release their contents. Your body then steps in and flushes out the fat. Results are not instantaneous but rather develop in the weeks and months following treatment. Most people see visible results by the 3-4 week mark. Peak results are often reached 2-3 months after treatment.

Once a fat cell has crystallized, it will never be able to store fat again. Since you are no longer creating new fat cells, you can achieve permanent, dramatic results with this treatment. If you do gain weight in the future, it will likely be in a different, untreated area of the body. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can ensure that your body stays looking its best!

Where is CoolSculpting® Effective?

This treatment was designed to treat many of the most common areas that people struggle with. Consider CoolSculpting® to help contour your:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Bra fat
  • Banana roll (underneath the buttocks)
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs
  • Flanks
  • Submental fullness (double chin)

Why Choose CoolSculpting®?

There are currently a lot of treatments out there that claim to help you reduce stubborn fat. Not all of these options are created equal, however. Consider going with CoolSculpting® due to the fact that the treatment:

  • Is safe and FDA-approved
  • Can give you permanent results
  • Results in no downtime
  • Requires no special preparation
  • Allows you to relax during treatments
  • Can target many of the most common problem areas
  • Gives you gradual, natural-looking results

Get In Touch with Us for More Information

Interested in learning more about eliminating stubborn fat with CoolSculpting®? Feel free to reach out and make an appointment with E Med Spa. At our convenient locations in El Cajon and Rancho San Diego, we would be happy to answer your questions. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!